November 26, 2019 - CSCM Forms Third Student Branch with Fanshawe College

For Immediate Release


The Canadian Society of Club Managers Forms Third Student Branch with Fanshawe College

TORONTO, Ontario (November 26, 2019) –  The Canadian Society of Club Managers (CSCM) is delighted to announce that our third official Canadian student branch has been formed at Fanshawe College in the Golf and Club Management Program in London, ON. Student branches are organized by dynamic students who are interested in furthering their professional development in the field of club management, along with a faculty advisor. The Society's first student branch is at Georgian College in Barrie, ON; the second one is at Humber College in Toronto, ON.

Suzanne Godbehere, Chief Executive Officer of CSCM, says, "We are delighted to be creating our third student branch, led by faculty advisor Rob Foster and student branch president Brett Henderson. We look forward to working with the branch at Fanshawe to expand awareness of the club industry as top-quality employers, as well as to help develop the club managers of the future."

Simon Bevan, CCM, General Manager at RiverBend Golf Community and President of CSCM’s Southwest Ontario Branch is the official liaison for the student branch with Fanshawe College. Simon is passionate about student development and has significantly supported the development of this third student branch. "Working with Rob and Brett at Fanshawe to get this student branch off the ground has been very rewarding, both personally and professionally. I love hearing the fresh perspectives and ideas the students have, as well as sharing insights from my 30 years in the industry" Simon said.

New Fanshawe Student Branch President, Brett Henderson, has been at Fanshawe College for 2 years and is looking forward to developing a relationship with CSCM. "We are thrilled to have a formal relationship with CSCM, which we know will be a draw for future students coming to Fanshawe. The education and networking events offered by CSCM will offer Fanshawe students an exceptional way to learn more about the club industry and gain first-hand insights from club managers."

About The Canadian Society of Club Managers (

Established in 1957, CSCM is the national professional society representing the club management profession in Canada. The Society provides education and networking opportunities to approximately 600 members with over 70% from golf clubs, and the remainder from a variety of city, recreation, fitness, curling and other types of clubs.

In addition, CSCM delivers education in Canada towards the Certified Club Manager and the Certified Chief Executive designations. These designations, established by the Club Management Association of America, are valuable, internationally recognized, and widely respected as marks of a manager’s commitment to professional development and the club industry.

The Society’s members hold position titles that include General Manager, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer as well as Assistant Manager, Clubhouse Manager, Controller and Food and Beverage Manager.

About Fanshawe College Golf and Club Management (

Since 2006, Fanshawe's Golf and Club Management program is designed to teach students everything they need to know for a career in the ever-expanding golf and recreational club industry.

Learning in the golf management program isn't just confined to the classroom. As part of the co-op modified schedule, the students will enter the club industry at peak season and work alongside seasoned veterans to supplement your golf club manager training. Through the multifaceted curriculum, their classroom learning is complemented by hands-on experience achieved in the co-op portion of the golf management program, and they will graduate with a well-rounded, employable skill set for golf courses in Ontario and around the world.
