CMAC offers a position posting service for clubs and recruiters, providing a platform to connect with potential candidates for various roles in the club management profession in Canada.
To help attract top industry talent, we encourage clubs to highlight CMAC membership as a professional development benefit in their job postings. Including CMAC membership in your compensation package demonstrates your club’s commitment to ongoing education and leadership excellence. Additionally, mentioning the Certified Club Manager (CCM) designation as a preferred asset for leadership roles can help attract highly qualified candidates who have invested in their professional growth.
Position postings will be made available to CMAC members within five business days of receipt of all relevant materials at the National Office; unless otherwise agreed upon, postings will be removed 30 days from the date of posting. An extension of 30 days may be requested at no additional charge; the postings are made available to CMAC members through the Members Only section of the website and a broadcast e-mail is distributed to all members to notify them as soon as a new posting is available.
A review of the job posting will be provided prior to being published online.
To post a position, the following must be provided to the CMAC National Office:
CMAC reserves the right to refuse any position posting deemed inappropriate.